Monday, June 13, 2011

Hike #2

Well, due to Dania and her marathon running self we counted the Provo River Trail as a hike. And since we are both fatties it counts. Caleb joined us, and although we questioned how manly he was a few times throughout the journey he proved to us through his adorableness with Benny that he deserves some serious man points.

*Disclaimer: We don't actually keep track of points, it's just a phrase. But if we did Caleb would have lots.

**Notice: The following pictures and comments are provided, not by Stephanie, but by me, Dania. I guess you could call me OCD, but I like things to look just so. And Steph, well, she doesn't really give a hoot. To each her own, I suppose.

We are fully aware of the awkward nature of this photo. We're also over it.
Bridal Veil Falls. Disregard the random woman's head. 

This was our little "off roading" excursion. We were feeling rebellious.
We had an after party, during which Steph and I thoroughly enjoyed some good old T-Swift and ice cream cone microphones. Caleb just ate his ice cream and watched us. And really, can you blame him?

Pretty much, hike #2 was a success. We'll probably keep this up all summer.

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