So I must admit I have a very big pet peeve, the " post date text". For those of you who don't know what this is, let me explain. Back in the day when there were no cell phones or texting or any of that jazz, the date ended when the boy would walk to the girl to the doorstep, and they would exchange pleasantries and such. But nowadays there is another step...after the doorstep scene. The current expectation of the girl is that if she is interested in a second date she should text the boy right after he drops her off. ( In all honesty I'm not really sure what she is suppose to say.)
To me this seems simply ridiculous. Here's why:
You were literally just with them. You could have said whatever you texted to them in person. So unless you forgot to tell them something really important like " I put a chimpanzee in your trunk so you should probably take him out and feed him before he gets angry and does some damage." than it's completely
unnecessary! Which is why I
never send them.
Right now you're probably getting a bit skeptical and thinking " Really Steph? Never? I don't believe it." Well... you would be right. I have sent a post date text. Once. Only once, and that was because I had in fact locked a hungry chimp in his trunk. Ok I didn't really. ( But that would have been hilarious.) I sent it because I didn't get a chance to thank him properly, because due to an odd chain of events... there was a lack of doorstep scene. If there had been a doorstep scene I wouldn't have, because I would have had my chance to say thanks. Since I didn't I had to just that once so that I didn't seem like and ungrateful date.
So there you have it. That is why I will not succumb to the post text mainstream train. Call me a hipster if you must but I won't succumb!
If you left one of these guys in his trunk I completely endorse the post date text. Otherwise, say it in person! |